This project takes inspiration from the film #3 created by Joost Rekveld in 1994, in which the artist explores the use of semi-chaotic movement (double pendulum) to control the position of a single light source, and uses long term exposure to create beautiful light patterns.
The goal of RE#3 is to create similar aesthetics by using a water vortex as source of chaos. Random sequences of prime numbers control the duration of each color reflected on the surface of the water from 3 different light sources. The reflections are captured and digitally processed in realtime to produce the end result.
Support structure
The structure created for the Artmachines installation (December 7, 2019) supports the vortex, white surface and and cameras.
Max 8 Patch
The patch is responsible of controlling the speed of the vortex and the color and duration of the lights.
Dec. 2019